Tamara J. Cooper, Town Clerk - townclerk@townofcambria.com
Paula N. Jones, Deputy Town Clerk I - pjones@townofcambria.com
Cynthia L. Curione, Deputy Town Clerk II - dclerk@townofcambria.com
Office Hours: Monday through Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm
Phone: (716) 433-7664
Town Clerk ext 127
Deputy Town Clerk I ext 110
Deputy Town Clerk II ext 131
as it provides a wide variety of services that are essential to the residents of the Town.
Hunting/Fishing licenses are sold between the hours of 8:00 am and 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday.
DMP's are available starting August 1st- this is based on a lottery system through NYS- for more information please click the following link:
Dog Control
Before using the online renewal - Please clear your browser or the incorrect service charge may appear. The correct amount should be $1.75 per transaction. Please note that no changes can be made online; if you need to update rabies certificate information, spay/neuter status or license for the first time, please mail in your paperwork or come in person during regular business hours. If you prefer to renew online, please email your updates to townclerk@townofcambria.com, we will update your profile so you can renew online.
New York State requires ALL dogs four months or older be licensed. You must provide proof of current rabies vaccination signed by a licensed veterinarian, and a spay/ neuter certificate if applicable.
$ 11.00 - Total
FREE RABIES CLINICS 2025 Registration Link
**Provisions of the Town of Cambria Zoning Ordinance restrict the number of dogs allowed to be harbored. If you are harboring more than three dogs, please contact the Building Inspector (716) 433-7664 Ext. 126/133, to ensure you are in compliance with the ordinance.
NYS DMV Application for a parking Permit for Persons with Severe Disabilities
**After filled out by applicant & doctor you will need to file the paperwork with the Town Clerk's Office.
*Please bring completed form and current drivers license or non-drivers license.
Marriage License Information
Marriage License Fee is $40.00
Marriage Licenses are issued by the Town Clerk's Office
Monday through Friday before 3:00 PM
*Marriage Licenses are by appointment only call (716) 433-7664 Ext. 127 or Ext. 110 to schedule an appointment.
Marriage license worksheet - to be filled out by both parties
A request for access to records should be sufficiently detailed to identify the records. Where possible, the requester should supply information regarding dates, titles, or other information which may help identify the records. All requests for public access to records should be made in writing on the prescribed form. The fee charged for copies is $.25 per page. The New York State Committee on Open Government is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the Freedom of Information Law and the Open Meetings Law. The Freedom of Information Law governs rights of access to government records, while the Open Meetings Law concerns the conduct of meetings of public bodies and the right to attend those meetings.
The records access officer is responsible for keeping the subject matter list up to date, assisting in identifying records sought, making the records promptly available or denying access, providing copies of records or permitting the making of copies, certify that a copy is a true copy and, if the records cannot be found, certifying either that the agency does not have possession of the requested records or that the agency does have the records, but they cannot be found after diligent search.
Under regulations established by the New York State Committee on Open Government, governmental entities in New York State are required to designate a Records Access Officer to coordinate an agency’s response to public requests for records.
DENIAL OF ACCESS TO RECORDSThe individual designated to hear appeals shall inform the requester of its decision in writing within seven business days of receipt of an appeal. The time for deciding an appeal by the individual or body designated to hear appeals shall commence upon receipt of written appeal identifying:
- The date and location of requests for records
- The records to which the requester was denied access; and
- The name and return address of the requester
Denial of access shall be in writing stating the reason therefore and advising the requester of his right to appeal to the individual or body established to hear appeals, and that person or body shall be identified by name, title, business address and business telephone number.
The Town Supervisor shall hear appeals for denial of access of records under the Freedom of Information Law.
FOIL Request Application
Freedom of Information Law
Open Meetings Law
Specific questions or advice regarding either the Freedom of Information Law or the Open Meetings Law should be addressed to:
Committee on Open Government
NYS Department of State
162 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12231
Telephone: (518) 474-2518